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2019-06-28 Workshop Physicality in Performance - Bewerbungsschluss

in 2019 25.06.2019 14:36
von Andrea Schmelzle • Aktiver Nutzer des Forums | 98 Beiträge

Welcome to new program in Austria!

One week International Residency Workshop
Dates: 24 - 31 January, 2020
Location: Ragnitz - Austria

The workshop is designed as the introductory session to performers physical training, movement for actors sessions and composition of the movement on stage, relying on some elements of Russian theatre tradition of theatre biomechanics and the newest experiments in performing arts, such as animal flow.

You are welcome to submit your applications for consideration.
All applications are considered on competitive basis.
Deadline for early bird application: June 28, 2019
Early Bird: 550 EUR

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