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2015-06-01 Toscana, Italien: "Arts Oasis"

in 2015 28.01.2015 11:40
von Pressestelle • Moderator | 901 Beiträge

Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to invite you to take part in the international performing arts residency in Italy.

Arts Oasis
June 1 - 6, 2015 - Tuscany

We believe that performers all over the world belong to "one huge small world" speaking the universal “intercultural” language, and need to meet each other to refresh energies, find new collaborations, share creative ideas and have great fun!

For this we have created Arts Oasis Residency!

This creative residency is open to dancers, choreographers, actors, directors, contemporary circus performers, artists from various backgrounds and techniques, passionate and inspired by movement, dance and Physical Theatre, interested in practical research of contemporary performance practice together with colleagues from all over the world.

The program will take place at the territory of the XII century Monastery in Tuscany region,
famous for being the place of seclusion for such outstanding figure as Dante Alighieri!

The monastery is situated in the natural park on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, surrounded by the Apuan Alps. Everything is organized at the same territory: creative space, accommodation and full board, so participants can concentrate on creation and communication without distracting to routine necessaries.

Participants can enjoy the practical creative communication with colleagues from around the world,
relax in the beautiful nature and even bathe at the private beach of the monastery!

To read the program and apply:
Photo gallery of the Monastery:


01.06 - 6.06.2015
Tuscana, Italia

summer residential program
"Arts Oasis"
for performers of various genres and techniques

The event is inviting artists from all over the world.

The workshop will take place at the XII century monastery
famous as the place of seclusion for the outstanding Dante Alighieri.

Room, full board & local transportation are provided for participants.

There is a limited number of partial scholarships.

If you wish to find out more:

zuletzt bearbeitet 16.03.2015 09:37 | nach oben springen

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