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2013-11-04 Intensive Lab for Professional Actors & Directors of Physical Theatre

in 2013 12.06.2013 10:24
von Forumsleitung • Forumsleitung | 2.035 Beiträge

Creating a Physical Theatre Performance
4-week International Intensive Lab
for Professional Actors & Directors of Physical Theatre

November 4 - December 2, 2013

Become the part of the multidisciplinary international artistic team (actors, dancers, directors, choreographers, filmmakers, producers) and take part in the practical creative process together with Russian actors at the Russian theatre! The Lab will be relevant and valuable to experienced performing arts practitioners with professional stage experience interested to find new international network opportunities and collaboration. The Lab programme will run six days per week full day long with one day-off per week.

As the result of the four-week collaboration participants will create and demonstrate the final Physical Theatre piece -
work-in-progress on the stage of the Russian Theatre.

Only several spots are available. For application and receiving practical details,
candidates should send the following documents to

Letter of motivation stating your interest in joining the Lab and detailed CV.
Latest head shot with 2-3 additional photos.
Any additional material describing professional experience: links to past projects and performances, photo, video, reviews, articles, interviews, etc.

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