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2011-10-25 Linz - Residency Program - Bewerbungsfrist

in 2011 07.10.2011 20:36
von Pressestelle (gelöscht)

RedSapata Cultural Initiative and Network for Contemporary Dance (Linz, Austria) is launching its new residency program.

We are offering a maximum of two residencies at the same time to artists from Europe and around. The residency includes rehearsal space and accomodation in a single apartment. We have two dance studios (70 m2 and 90 m2) whereas one is also being a performance space and will be used for the final performance of the outcome of the two projects. The projects can be from the field of contemporary dance or performance and may fuse into different art disciplines. There is no limitation to topics that you can be working on. Every title is legitimate. However you we will give you some footage that you can start from working and you will be asked to leave some footage for the next artist to work on. If you want to work with local people please let us know as well.

The residency takes place from: 13.11.-26.11.2011. For applications see the following details

How can apply?

• artist in the field of contemporary dance, no age limitation
• artist in the field of performance, no age limitation
• single artists or groups (maximum of two persons)

What does the residency imply?

• rehearsal space for each project, the studios are located in the heart of the city (main square)
• usage of the rehearsal space of approximately 6 hrs. per day
• support if anything needed
• accomodation in an apartment in the centre of Linz, Austria (the artist share this apartment)
• final performance at the end of the residency (26.11.2011)?(technical equipment of the performance space: beamer, LED-Spots with one controller, simple music equipment)
• press release / flyers etc. ?
Note: there is no travel reimbursement or project fee, you take care of your own travel booking, we can fetch you from the airport or train station

How to apply?

• send a project proposal (1-3 pages) with a short CV and some pictures/press release/links or some kind of documentation of your recent work to
Note: a maximum of two persons can apply together for one project

Please send your applications until 25.10.2011 to or by post to: RedSapata Kunst-, Kultur- und Tanzinitiative, Hauptplatz 3, 4020 Linz, Austria

Contact: (Ilona Roth, head of the organization)

zuletzt bearbeitet 07.10.2011 20:43 | nach oben springen

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