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2017-09-15 Call for Submissions: Projects for China

in 2017 04.09.2017 15:57
von Pressestelle • Moderator | 901 Beiträge


The Chinese company Grand Boat Culture is currently seeking:
• Shows for a young audience (3 to 9 years old) in theatre, dance, music and multidisciplinary arts
• Exhibits and interactive activities for a young audience and their families

The shows, exhibits and activities must be in English or without words. The smaller productions (with lighter touring logistics) will be prioritized. However, Grand Boat Culture is open to present larger-scale productions for proposals that seem relevant to them.

The projects will be presented over an approximately three week period, between March 2018 and February 2019, in the cities of Hangzhou and Shanghai (400 to 700 capacity venues), as well as in a third city that is yet to be determined (400 to 1200 capacity venues). Selected shows will be presented in the format of a run of approximately 15 performances.

Kindly send us your material (resumes in English, photos, technical riders, etc.) by email at the following address: before SEPTEMBER 15th.

Concerning your video files, given that several sites are banned in China, such as Google and Facebook, please send your video files by email, or send links to downloadable videos, so that we may be able to forward them to Grand Boat Culture.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Fei Gao at the following email address:

Alain Paré

President, Executive Director and Founder

CINARS - International Exchange for the Performing Arts
69 Sherbrooke Street West

Montréal (QC) H2X 1X2


+1 514-842-5866

zuletzt bearbeitet 04.09.2017 15:57 | nach oben springen

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