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2016-03-08 Advocate Europe - Idea Challenge - Bewerbungsschluss

in 2016 15.02.2016 16:06
von Pressestelle • Moderator | 901 Beiträge

Colleagues and friends,

What is your idea for our common European future? The idea challenge Advocate Europe invites you to apply with a project idea that strengthens Europe until March 8, 2016 (18.00 CET) and secure funding of up to € 50,000.

Advocate Europe is open to civil society actors who seek financing and support to realise sustainable ideas. These can come from fields as diverse as social innovation, arts and culture, or civic education. Up to twelve winning proposals will receive funding of up to € 50,000 each, as well as mentoring and support.

Advocate Europe wants to strengthen changemakers in Europe and to support those who want to effect real and positive transformations in our societies. Let’s do it together and let’s do it now! Submit your ideas online in English until March 8, 2016 (18.00 CET).

Advocate Europe is brought to you by Stiftung Mercator, MitOst and Liquid Democracy.

Learn more about the Advocate Europe idea challenge.

Register and submit a project idea (You can edit and change your application until the very end of our application deadline).

We are looking forward to your inspiring ideas for Europe!


Julia Hoffmann
Advocate Europe Programme Manager

MitOst e.V.
Alt-Moabit 90
10559 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 30 315 174-60
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