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2014-09-08 4-week Creative Residency

in 2014 07.04.2014 09:52
von Pressestelle • Moderator | 901 Beiträge

4-Week Creative Residency in Russia
for Dancers, Actors and Contemporary Circus Performers

September 8 - October 6, 2014

The project mission is to create the "live creation platform" and the fascinating encounter of artists from diverse artistic backgrounds and techniques in multicultural and multilingual artistic environment. The programme includes practical training, rehearsals and the intensive creative process on the way to the performance/work-in-progress.

The Lab means:
- open hearth for new artistic flames
- international epicentre for new discoveries and creative inspiration
- safe place for creative risks
- stepping beyond the limits of the text-based performance
- search for the universal “intercultural” language in contemporary performance
- platform for exchange, network and collaboration

For programme and application details, please visit

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