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2008-04-17 Slowenien - Performing Arts Conferenz

in Fortbildungen 04.04.2008 09:23
von Forumsleitung • Forumsleitung | 2.035 Beiträge

E-Mail vom 3.4.2008

Invitation for performers, performing arts educators and teachers!

International Conference
April 14-17, 2008
Bovec, Slovenia

Dear Colleagues,
International University "Global Theatre Experience" is inviting colleagues
to take part in the international performing arts conference in Slovenia.
A small number of places for FREE participation in all events of the conference program are available on a competitive basis.

Accommodation and meals expenses: 150 EUR. We shall provide you with accommodation in a hotel in twin room (three nights), two meals per day (breakfast and lunch), tea/coffee breaks. The conference will take place in Bovec, the mountain resort and the ancient alpine town located in north-western Slovenia in the Trenta valley of the Julian Alps.

PROGRAMME: workshops, performances, works in progress, readings and lectures by conference presenters from UK, Sweden, Russia and USA:

• "Psychophysical Training Through Movement Improvisation" - Workshop by John Britton - director, performer, writer and educator, Senior Lecturer in Performance at the University of Huddersfield (UK).
• "Performer's Physicality: Biomechanics (Meyerhold), Psychological gesture (M.Chekhov),
Physical action (Stanislavsky)" - Workshop by Sergei Ostrenko - theatre director and teacher (Russia).
• "Reflections on the total regeneration of a post high school, professional dancers training program" - Presentation by Fay Nenander - choreographer, teacher, Senior Advisor at The Ballet Academy Stockholm (Sweden).
• "Carnival Arts and Its Impact on Arts Education" - Presentation by Shabaka Thompson - cultural activist, social engineer, Director of the Yaa Asantewaa Arts and Community Centre, CEO of Carnival Village based in Notting Hill (UK).
• "Arts Education and the Disaffected Student" - Presentation by Annie Cornbleet - teacher, education consultant, expert in Creativity and the use of Arts Education, co-founder of CETTIE - Cultural Exchange Through Theatre In Education (UK).
• "Splendid Mummer" by Lonne Elder. A monodrama on the life of the outstanding Black actor: Ira Aldridge" - Presentation by Shango Baku - actor, writer, director, journalist, Artistic Director of CETTIE - Cultural Exchange Through Theatre In Education (UK).
• "Approaches to Movement-Based Theater" - Performance and lecture-demonstration by
Pal Bernstein - performer, instructor of physical theater, professor at Rutgers University (USA).
To apply, candidates should send a CV and a brief letter of motivation to stating the title, dates and location of the event.

Please feel free to forward this information to your colleagues and students.
We look forward to meeting you!

Michael Cooperman
Project Coordinator

International University
"Global Theatre Experience" (IUGTE)

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