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2013-12-14 International Physical Theatre Lab

in 2013 09.09.2013 09:29
von Forumsleitung • Forumsleitung | 2.035 Beiträge

International Physical Theatre Lab

is inviting dancers, choreographers, actors and directors inspired by Physical Theatre as a bold, vibrant and multidimensional approach to contemporary theatre performance and interested to be part of the international performing arts network and find new collaboration projects.

December 14 - 21, 2013
Retzhof Castle - Leitring bei Leibnitz, Austria

Several scholarships available - only for professional performers.

The working language is English.

For scholarship application candidates should send CV/resume with photo and a cover letter stating the Lab dates to
Each scholarship grant is 300 EUR and it partially covers the participation fee.
Special registration conditions for groups of three perfomers and more are also available.

The working language is English.

Accommodation and meals
Accommodation and meals are organized for the group. Accommodation in shared twin room (two persons share one room) is 38 EUR per person day including meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner. Discounts for students are available (student identity document must be presented) - for students the fee is 33 EUR per day in shared twin room including meals. Single room is extra 7 EUR per day. Upon arrival you will have opportunity to choose the preferred meals (the reception will provide the menu plan for the week; vegetarian meals are also available). The nearest international airports are Graz and Vienna.

More details about venue, accommodation, photos:

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zuletzt bearbeitet 04.10.2013 09:32 | nach oben springen

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