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2013-10-21 Competition for Dancers, Choreographers, Physical Theatre & Circus Performers

in 2013 15.05.2013 08:34
von Forumsleitung • Forumsleitung | 2.035 Beiträge

Competition announced for Dancers, Choreographers, Physical Theatre and Contemporary Circus Performers

4 week intensive lab with final demonstration/work-in-progress at Russian repertory theatre

Only several spots are available for international participants

October 21 - November 19, 2013

The four-week Lab in Russia is inviting experienced performers from different parts of the world with strong background and versatile skills seeking international network opportunities to find new collaborators and to start new projects. Discover, create and exchange the boldest ideas for contemporary performance together with colleagues from Russia and different countries!

The working languages are English and Russian.
Russian Visa support and inexpensive accommodation are organized for participants.
The nearest international airport - Moscow Domodedovo Airport.

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