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2013-05-27 International Workshop: Psychological Gesture, Physical Action

in 2013 09.08.2012 20:24
von Pressestelle (gelöscht)

Biomechanics. Psychological Gesture. Physical Action
International intensive workshop

May 27 - 31, 2013

Participants: experienced actors, dancers, actors of physical theatre, contemporary circus performers, choreographers and directors interested to find new international network opportunities and collaborators.
The working language is English.

Programme: Psycho-physical approach to the art of acting relying on the teachings of Vs.Meyerhold, M.Chekhov and K.Stanislavsky. Biomechanics. Psychological Gesture. Physical Action. Method of Active Analysis.

Registration: Candidates should send CV/resume with photo and a cover letter to

Participation fee - 450 EUR (early reduced registration fee - if payment is made before August 21st);
550 EUR (if payment is made after August 21st).

The fee covers participation in all events of the programme.

The nearest international airports are Graz and Vienna.
The organizers help participants to organize comfortable accommodation and meals.

More about the Lab

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May 27 - 31, 2013 - Austria
Biomechanics. Psychological Gesture. Physical Action
Russian Theatre Tradition

Intensive practical workshop for dancers, actors, contemporary circus performers, choreographers and directors focused on the practical exploration of performer's psycho-physical instrument in the teachings of the Russian outstanding theatrical innovators - Vs.Meyerhold, M.Chekhov and K.Stanislavsky. Participants will explore the principles of Biomechanics, the Psychological Gesture, the Physical Action and the Method of Active Analysis, gain a deeper understanding of psycho-physical approach in contemporary performer's training and its application in practical work - rehearsal process, performance and teaching.
More details: Several scholarships available.

The workshop language is English. Participants receive the Certificate. Accommodation and meals are organized.
Past events:

zuletzt bearbeitet 04.12.2012 09:18 | nach oben springen

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